What is SalSpeak?

It’s my free newsletter that will keep you apprised of what I’m writing about, and where to find it. If you appreciate my writing, then you’ll have access to everything in one handy place, delivered directly from me to your inbox. One email, all the links, right there on your computer, tablet or phone, and if you do miss the email, you can always go to the SalSpeak homepage where every newsletter will reside.

What do you get?

Almost everything I write. And did I mention, it’s free? No Buffalo Bills stuff here, you’ll have to go to the Democrat and Chronicle, for that. But you will find all of my sports history stories that can be found at salmaiorana.com and at Medium.com, special projects that I’ll be publishing in those same places, and even my attempts at short story sports fiction.

Oh, and you’ll also get the SalSpeak Podcast. It’s one-stop shopping, easy-peasy. But please be advised, some of the Democrat and Chronicle and Medium links may not be accessible if you’re not a subscriber to the publication.

An email, really?

I know, you’d think email is so 1990s, but it’s just not true. The email newsletter has made a surprisingly robust return, and for me, this is why I’m excited. I’ve been promoting my work on Twitter and Facebook for years, but I never know who’s paying attention at any given time and I’m sure many of you miss the links. Now I know you’ll at least see the email. What you decide to do with it is up to you, but I hope you open it, peruse the content, and click the links to the stories. If not, and you just delete it or unsubscribe, that’s fine, too.

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This is what I have to say today